- Stock Volatility Calculator 1 Free
This is a free spreadsheet that downloads free historical stock data from the Yahoo database into the spreadsheet and calculates the historical (or realized) volatility of the selected stock and graphs the result.
- OptionsOracle 1.5.0 Free
OptionsOracle is a free tool for stock options strategy analysis. It is a powerful, tool that allows testing of different options strategies using real-time options ans stock- market information.
- Option Crawler 2.7
Complete stock option chains from Internet, calculates all standard option values including Theoretical Value, Percent to Double, Implied Volatility, the Greeks, Historical Volatility. Allows for easy building and testing of option strategies
Excel VBA Models Set 3 XL-VBA3.0
Excel VBA Models Source Code Learning Tool - Numerical Methods and Option Pricing Set Contains topics in applying different numerical searching methods to solve mathematical equations and implied volatility from option pricing models.
OS :Windows Vista/XP/2003 | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(6) |
FinExotics XL is an Excel Add-in with a comprehensive set of nearly 50
theoretical value, sensitivities, implied volatility, implied strike and implied correlation. All of the functions are easy
SigmaFit fits a Stochastic Volatility model to Market option prices & forecasts other options, Greeks & Implied volatilities up to %890 more accuratel
Option Pricing Calculator 1.0.0 Free
This free option pricing calculator can be used to calculate: Call Price, Put Price, Gamma, Delta, Theta, Vega, Implied Volatility. This option pricing calculator has three option pricing models to caculate prices: Black-Scholes Option price, Binomial American option price and Binomial European option price ...
Excel VBA Models Combo Set XL-VBA4.0
Excel VBA Models Open Source Code Learning Tool - Excel VBA Models Combo Set (Set 1, 2, and 3)The Excel VBA Models Combo Set contains 37 programs in finance, statistics, option pricing models, and numerical methods in open source code.Finance and Statistics Models Set 1. Standard Deviation ...
OS :Windows Vista/XP/2003 | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(6) |
FinOptions XL is an Excel Add-in that extends its functionality by adding
types of securities and assets. FinOptions XL calculates price and the risk sensitivities as well as implied volatility
Advanced Option Calculator 1.5
Advanced option calculator - powerful and unique tool for option traders.
Research based option calculator It also returns bottom line information!One option expert could not believe it (unseen):- It is not possible using a standard option pricing model to obtain either the expected payoff at expiry nor the probability of the price being above a given level at expiryHow do we know if stock ...
OptionMatrix for Linux 1.1b Free
A real-time generalized financial derivatives calculator supporting over 86 theoretical models from open source libraries. This is not a 1 line options calculator but rather a option chain control system with all inputs adjustable.
StockMarketMirror is an advanced, innovative and easy to use software for charting, stock timing, market timing and advanced analysis of individual stocks and overall stock market, supporting profitable trading and optimal management of trading risk for individual and institutional investors. StockMarketMirror software enables early identification of eminent price movements, relevant for a ...
OS :Windows Vista/XP | Average rating:(4.4) | Downloads:(37) |
OptDrvr - Options Calculator 11.2
OptDrvr is an Excel addin which provides the user with option pricing models to
, vegas, thetas, rhos and implied volatilities. Option models include BLACK-SCHOLES, Black-Scholes adjusted and BINOMIAL
SDEN - Distillation simulator 1.7
SDEN - Distillation simulator of binary mixtures from 1 to 6 consecutive stages - Rayleigh equation - Relative volatility or VLE tables - Graphs and table of results - 10 Vapor-Liquid equilibrium tables included - User's Manual
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(8) |
PTTD - Design of distillation columns 1.7.1
PTTD Number of Theoretical Plates by McCabe-Thiele method for distillation tower - Interactive changes using McCabe-Thiele diagram - Full report printing - Vapor equilibrium using relative volatility or data table - User's Manual
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(4) | Downloads:(23) |
DTDF - Design of distillation columns 1.7.1
DTTF Number of Theoretical Plates by McCabe-Thiele method for distillation towers of binary mixtures - Interactive changes using McCabe-Thiele diagram - Full printable reports - Vapor equilibrium using relative volatility or VLE data table - 47 VLE data tables included - Easy and fast to use. - User's manual in PDF format. ...
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(16) |
MCTH - McCabe Thiele Plates Calculator 1.7.1
MCTH Number of Theoretical Plates by McCabe-Thiele method for distillation tower - Interactive changes using McCabe-Thiele diagram - Full report printing - Vapor equilibrium using relative volatility or data table - User's Manual
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(6) |
WebCab Options and Futures for .NET 3.0
3-in-1: .NET, COM and XML Web service Components for pricing option and futures contracts using Monte Carlo and Finite Difference techniques. General Monte Carlo pricing framework: wide range of contracts, price, interest and vol models. Price European, Asian, American, Lookback, Bermuda and Binary Options using Analytic, ...
WebCab Options and Futures for Delphi 3.1
3-in-1: .NET, COM and XML Web service Components for pricing option and futures contracts using Monte Carlo and Finite Difference techniques. General Monte Carlo pricing framework: wide range of contracts, price, interest and vol models. Price European, Asian, American, Lookback, Bermuda ...
OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(4.6) | Downloads:(67) |
Turbo Turtle?, our proprietary risk management for FOREX market is based on a Percentage Volatility Model (PVM). It is a variant of a standard deviation mathematical model. Volatility as a central dispersion measurement of the mean is used.
Speed up hard drive operations with a virtual RAM disk!
both volatile and non-volatile RAM drives. The difference? Volatile disks disappear when you reboot or turn off your PC
OS :Windows XP/2003/CE | Average rating:(4.2) | Downloads:(25) |
EA Forex, EA KAIN SCALPER PRO is the best automated robot in the Forex Market. We're a group of experienced traders and professional IT programmer and the head developer of the most accurate and profitable Forex robot in today's market - EA KAIN. We studied all the most profitable experts in order to understand ...
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP,Mobile | Average rating:(4.6) | Downloads:(103) |
EA Forex, EA KAIN SCALPER PRO is the best automated robot in the Forex Market.EA Forex, EAKAIN is the best automated robot in the Forex Market. We're a group of experienced traders and professional IT programmer and the head developer of the most acc
OS :Windows 7/CE,Linux | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(6) |
OptionsXL Pro is a ready-to-use solution for options data download and analysis in MS Excel. It is designed to help traders perform market analysis and make decisions. OptionsXL Pro is provided as a ready Excel workbook set up for a specific ticker.
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP/2003 | Average rating:(4) | Downloads:(24) |