Produce over 60 mathematics worksheet activities to advance skills in number operations, number concepts, fractions, numeration, time, measurement, money, problem solving and more.
Graph software for scientists, engineers, and students. It features multiple scaling types, including linear, logarithmic, and probability scales, as well as several special purpose XY graphs and contour plots of 3D data.
Whether you are a small machine shop or have a Cad Cam System, for $29.95 this is a must have program. You can get in and solve your calculations and get right back to work. It is designed to be user friendly. There is clipboard support & trig calc.
Plotting functions (usual and parametric) with more possibilities.
Differentiation of any order (with simplification). Construction of tangents to the graph. The simple and clear interface with detailed documentation and examples of work.
Statistical analysis of experimental data. An automatically selection of applicable presentation for given combination of numbers of arguments and values with flexibility in choosing suitable interface to fit data with diverse of formulas.
Scientists and engineers can perform complex signal analysis without programming by selecting menu items that determine how the computer will analyze and present data.
The free Basic Facts Worksheet Factory can generate worksheets that will provide students with the practice they need to become proficient in the basic math operations.
BlitzCalc is a very useful and handy calculator for Windows with revolutionary double-windows user interface. It supports calculations with a single keypress from any window. BlitzCalc supports many functions (like sin or stdev) and consts (like pi).