TimesTest is specifically designed to be used as a tool in the classroom, but can just as beneficial at home. The interface makes learning multiplication tables a game, which makes it entertaining to the children using it.
The program includes 51 animations. Each animation provides detailed, step-by-step description of a straightedge-and-compass geometric construction, studied in elementary geometry. The program is designed for students and teachers.
Panageos is oriented to the intensive solution of problems on Plane Analytic Geometry.The main feature of Panagoes is its power to read the user's equations and interpret them, for this reason the data input is exclusively through the keyboard.
SplineCalc is multipurpose scientific calculator for implementation of various mathematical operations with maps (grids), data tables, lines, polygons (including multiply connected) and numbers. It can be useful for hard scientist or Surfer users.
You want to make a mixture. You have ingredients composed of the same components.The proportions (percentage,content) of the components are different in each ingredient.How much of each ingredient you need, the Mix Finder can find for you.
Test any number for primality with a single click. It uses a deterministic test and uses the Sieve of Eratophenes logic. Described on The Math Forum @ Drexel. Recommended for Middle School, High School and College, ages 6+.
Calculate the prime numbers between two limits. It uses a deterministic test and uses the Sieve of Eratophenes logic. Described on The Math Forum @ Drexel. Recommended for Middle School, High School and College, ages 6+. 99¢ only.
Mental Math Essential is a mental math training software focusing on mental math of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division up to 9+9, 18-9, 9x9 and 81/9, which is an essential skill for any further math studies.