All-Business-Documents helps you create nearly any imaginable piece of professional business paperwork. With a simple interface & 6000 professionally written business documents/letters, this is an essential tool for a any office.
The U.S. auto insurance companies industry is characterized by the presence of a large number of players. Some are large general insurance companies that have diversified into auto insurance and other companies are pure play auto insurance.
G.B. LABS developed Tailor Master for catering the needs of tailoring shops. It manage the customer's accounts, Job booking, worker's wages, and give instant status report of jobs in processing.
Madar Invoicer is a simple, userfriendly program, dedicated to small companies, which are looking for software helping them to prepare and print invoices. It is full compatible with other Madar software.
Evidencija radnog vremena: mrezna verzija,hijerarhijski organizirana (knjigovodstvo,uprava,voditelji),neogranicen broj korisnika s passwordima,neogranicen broj radnika,automatiziran obracun RV (prema pravilima koje sami definirate),autom. pronalazenj
An agreement whereby two or more entities enter into a joint venture. Describes capital contribution schedules and structure. Describes profit and loss distribution. Describes management structure and venture voting methods.
This promissory note in an agreement to repay a specified sum of money in installments at a stated time or on demand. It is an enforceable promise of payment with or without interest. It can be yearly, monthly, weekly or balloon payments.
An agreement between a company and person to act as its sales representative. Describes the role and geographic area of the sales representative. Describes the commission and payment structure of the sales representative.
NolaPro is a free web-based Accounting Suite. Install on your own PC for secure access over the web. No user restrictions, nag screens, or expiration. Customization available to fit NolaPro to your business or industry.