OOBOX News Headlines presents information culled from approximately 10,000 news sources worldwide. You pick the item that interests you, then go directly to the site which published the account you wish to read.
CG Invoicer creates professional invoices quickly and easily. Track clients, products, invoices and generate sales reports. You can check email from within CG Invoicer and parse out registration emails automatically
Service Business Job Scheduling and Invoicing Software. Provision for multiple jobsites to be billed to the same customer. Preview and print reports of income for any chosen period, customer payment history.
Designed to cater for a wide range of business, Fapro2006 provides complete management control over company's assets with intuitive interface, ease of use and minimum learning process. Extensive reporting to cater for all requirements.
Calculator Suite Pocket PC with popular tApCalc Desk, tApCalc Finance and tApCalc Scientific series of calculator featuring paper tape that can be saved,edited,rerun, Beamed and printed without reentering the calculations again.
ChequeSystem provides more than a cheque writer. You are no need to write any, just print and sign it. All issued cheques are kept in records. Account report and payee report provides complete cheque issued history on bank a/c and payee.
The free Startup edition of Dynacom Accounting includes all the accounting basics to manage a business efficiently: purchasing, sales, general ledger, bank, and even payroll. This fully functional software has no time or transaction limitations.