Server Maintenance Portal Related Software | - Sentinel 2.3
Advanced file integrity checker that integrates seamlessly with your anti-virus/trojan application(s)
- INSYSTEK Inventory Manager 4.2.0
INSYSTEK® Inventory Manager provides automated asset discovery, software usage and license tracking - the ability to effortlessly determine organization-wide compliance and track changes to an individual IT asset throughout its lifecycle
- Express Software Manager 9.0
Express Software Manager is award-winning IT asset management software offering computer inventory data, software usage tracking, and application control, so you can easily and cost-effectively track and manage your hardware and software assets
- Asset Manager 2.1
Asset Manager provides functionality to sustain records of several assets or goods on miscellaneous aspects including serial numbers, delivery date, expiry date, re-ordering status, in-out stock status, service records, codes, brands, attached images
- NetSupport DNA 1.01
For many organizations, the IT assets, namely Hardware & Software, account for the largest proportion of the IT spend