Do-download.com >File & Disk Management >Remove Old Files> Downloading Remove Old Files 2.12 |
Automatically delete, move, archive old files. Transfers data to archive folders based on file creation, modification or last access date. Easily remove files over N-days old.
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Remove Old Files Related Software | - Delenda 2.4
Delenda identifies files older than n days based on file creation, modification, last accessed dateand deletes or moves them to archive folders
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BackUp32 intended for data archiving tasks, using compression algorithm compatible with ZIP and other popular archivers, with support for external compression plug-in modules
- BackUp32 2.0
BackUp32 intended for data archiving tasks, using compression algorithm compatible with ZIP and other popular archivers, with support for external compression plug-in modules
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Delenda identifies files older than x days based on file creation, modification, last accessed date and deletes or moves them to archive folders
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