Do-download.com >Browsers >Opera web browser for Mac> Downloading Opera web browser for Mac 11.50 |
Opera 11.50 is the fastest browser available and offers more features than any other browser to take advantage of today's Web. This is why more than 50 million people choose Opera for their computers. Download it now and try it for yourself.
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Opera web browser for Mac Related Software | - LinkCollector PC 3.1.1
LinkCollector PC is a bookmarks manager to easily exchange a bookmarks between any supported browsers (such as Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox 2-3, Opera, Google Chrome)
- XStandard XHTML WYSIWYG Editor 2.0
XStandard is the leading standards-compliant plug-in WYSIWYG editor for desktop applications and browser-based content management systems (IE/Firefox/Safari/Opera)
- OperaClean
OperaClean is a history and cookie clean up utility for the Opera browser
- Opera/IE Bookmark Convertors 1.00
These two utilities will convert your bookmarks/favorites from the Opera browser to the Internet Explorer browser format, and vice-versa