Do-download.com >Telephony >MySkype> Downloading MySkype 1.0 |
With MySkype you can take advantage of the Skype FREE or very low cost international calling anytime you are near a phone! You simply call your SkypeIn PSTN number to access your Skype account to listen to your messages and place Skype calls.
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MySkype Related Software | - PrettyMay PBX Gateway for Skype
For Businesses that already have office phone systems
PrettyMay Skype PBX Gateway can be used as a Skype trunking solution for your existing PBX phone systems, it enables all business to make and receive Skype calls without breaking the existing phone systems, simply add several Skype inbound and outbound lines to route SkypeIn calls into your phone system, and make cheap Skypeout calls from your extensions
- SkypeAttendant 1.0
SkypeAttendant is a virtual attendant to automatically answer your SkypeIn or Skype to Skype calls