Multiwave Frequency Generator Related Software | - Julian-Gregorian-Dee Date Calculator 4.25
Windows software to convert between Julian, Gregorian, Dee and Dee-Cecil calendar dates in various formats, and to add and subtract a number of days, weeks, months and years to or from a given date
- 7000 Years Calendar 1.3.
Local time and date for any locations on Earth, 12 calendars, holidays and memorial days of many countries and religions, Sun, Moon, and Planets (coordinates and time of rise/transit/set), vernal/autumnal equinox/solstice, solar and lunar eclipses
- 7000 Years Calendar 1.4.5
Local time and date for any locations on Earth, 12 calendars, holidays and memorial days of many countries and religions, Sun, Moon, and Planets (coordinates and time of rise/transit/set), vernal/autumnal equinox/solstice, solar and lunar eclipses
- Islamic prayers 1.00
Program features: - Creating islamic praying times everywhere in the world - displaying islamic prayer animation - Hirji / Gregorian calendar
- Millennia Calendar 2.0.0
Local time for any locations on Earth; calendars, holidays and memorial days of many countries and religions; coordinates and time of rise, transit and set of the Sun, the Moon, and Planets; equinoxes and solstices; solar and lunar eclipses
- Victory At Hebron 1.0
After a miraculous defeat of Ai and Jericho, Joshua and Caleb set their sites on Hebron
- Music Education 1.0
The system is menu driven which makes it extremely easy to go from scales to chords, theory, dictation, solfeggio in any order