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To protect your PC, we recommend to use Endpoint Protector Basic to monitor and control ports and interfaces such as USB, FireWire, card reader, CD / DVD, etc on your PC.
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Endpoint Protector Basic Related Software | - My Endpoint Protector
My Endpoint Protector provides device control and data loss prevention to everyone who want to centrally manage and control the use of USB, FireWire and other ports and portable storage device use
- MyUSBonly
MyUSBonly is an easy-to-use software intended to prevents theft of data through your computer's USB ports
- AccessPatrol 4.1
- Totally block access to any portable devices such as USBs, CDs, DVDs, iPods, MP3 players, WiFi, FireWire, Bluetooth etc
- Clear Blue Security 2.7
Clear Blue Security is a free full-featured endpoint security management suite that monitors, detects and reports endpoint security vulnerabilities, including the monitoring of installed malware applications, providing status on updates and patching, implementing a company wide security policy, monitoring installed but unapproved software, alerting suspicious and possibly malicious traffic and scanning network facing IPs for unwanted open ports
- AccessPatrol 2.0.1100
With the influx of portable storage devices and removable media, data theft is becoming an increasing threat to organizations
- Easy Guard Protection Web Edition 2.0
Easy Guard Protection Web Edition provides Web application firewall technology, enabling fully-integrated application-level protection to Web servers and back-end systems
- DeviceShield 3.30
Deviceshield acts as firewall that works on the INSIDE to control access to ALL Removable Media Devices
- How a computer works 1.00
How a Computer Works includes 27 tutorials explaining how the main components of a Windows based PC work