Encryption Tools
DoSWF Professional
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DoSWF Professional 4.8.1
DoSWF is a professional flash/swf encrypter. It can prevent your swf/swc file from being decompiled.
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DoSWF Professional Related Software
DoSWF Professional for mac 4.9.2
DoSWF is a professional encryption tool for Adobe Flash SWF and SWC files
DoSWF 4.1.0
DoSWF is a flash/swf encrypter
DoSWF 4.5.1
DoSWF can do encrypt, obfuscate to swf files
DoSWF MINI(flash swf encryption) 4.6.2
DoSWF(Flash swf encryptor) ia a very very professional flash swf encryption tool
DoSWF(flash swf encryption) 4.6.2
DoSWF(Flash swf encryptor) ia a very very professional flash swf encryption tool
FPE(Flash Project Encrypter) 4.6.2
DoSWF(Flash swf encryptor) ia a very very professional flash swf encryption tool
swc encrypt 1
SWC Encrypt encrypts your Flash
SWC Repository 1.3
Tool for managing SWC components and SWF movies
SWC Repository 1.
SWC Repository for Flash MX developers
toKaos 1.3.5
toKaos is a desktop software application which allows you to encrypt/obfuscate your Flash/Flex AS3 application protecting your work from SWF/SWC decompilers