Crossword Puzzle Solver Related Software | - Anagramizer 1.4
Anagramizer will help you to solve anagram, crossword and other word puzzle
- TEA Crossword Helper 2.6
TEA is a crossword puzzle solver with over a million words and phrases; these are classified by familiarity, so you always see the most likely answers first
- TEA Crossword Helper 2.10
TEA is a crossword puzzle solver with over 5 million words and phrases; these are classified by familiarity, so you always see the most likely answers first
- Motamo 5.1
A powerful word-search utility created specifically for online Scrabble players and crossword lovers
- Cross+A 8.14
The purpose of Cross+A is to simplify the solution of crosswords, word-based puzzles, anagrams, cryptarithms and logic puzzles (Nonogram, Sudoku, Kakuro, Hitori, Slitherlink, Link-a-Pix, Fill-a-Pix, Battleship, Hashiwokakero, Masyu, Light Up, Fillomino, Futoshiki, Kuromasu, Nurikabe, Tents, KenKen, Hidato, Numbrix, Shikaku, Galaxies, Skyscrapers, Hakyuu, Grand Tour, Easy as ABC, Clouds, Yajilin, Minesweeper, Heyawake, Tenner Grid, Hundred, Arrows, Str8ts, Linesweeper, Binairo, Walls, Dominosa)
- Crossword Compiler 7.1
Crossword Compiler will help you create puzzles, print out, export and
publish interactive crosswords on the web
- LOGOS 2.6
LOGOS is a word searching application providing: 1/Crossword searches 2/Anagram searches 3/Hidden word searches
- ABC Scrabble 1.0_us
ABC SCRABBLE is an absolutely free tool that will help you find anagrams as well as words that contain any number of jokers
- WordNetCE 2.7
Freeware English Dictionary/Thesaurus with advanced search features, including wildcard, regular expression, anagram, scrabble and sounds like