Counter of Visitors-7 Related Software | - Scriptomania 2.7
HTML/PHP/JavaScript/MySQL editor --
Syntax highlighting for HTML/JavaScript/PHP into the same document+ SQL highlighting --
Macros (can even record mouse actions) --
Completion engines (HTML/PHP) + Auto completion --
Auto correct engine --
Test your PHP scripts locally --
PHP/JavaScript snippets --
Add a counter or a PHP gallery to your site by simply clicking --
HTML tools -- Spell checking, HTML compression
- HTML Tidy with advanced options
and much more
- CNStats Free 2.5
CNStats is a real-time system for accumulation and analysis of site
attendance statistics
- Code Line Counter Pro - PHP Version 4.0
Code Line Counter Pro - PHP Version may be helpful for SQA, PHP developers, project managers and other customers who need an overview of a project source code
- AdrianSoft Webmaster Tools 1.5.55
Software to Convert html into php,asp,cgi,perl,jsp,javascript,vbscript,text, compress and encrypt html source code, protect html source code, create php-nuke modules,block, create popup, create meta-tag generate noright click script, encrypt & hide url link,email
- Scriptomania 2.7
HTML/PHP/JavaScript/MySQL editor-Syntax highlighting for HTML/JavaScript/PHP into same document-Macros-Completion engines-Test your PHP scripts locally-PHP/JavaScript snippets-Add a counter or a PHP gallery to your site by simply clicking