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Business & Publishing Ideas 2 1

This business and education directory guide provides a vast list of various publishing related ebooks and information. Some topics include: Go From Beginning Writer To Successful Writer With Easy Step-by-step Plan; How To Set Up Your Blog

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Business & Publishing Ideas 2 Related Software
  • eBook 2.0
    This eBook 'How to Create an eBook Using Visual C++' is a step-by-step illustrated guide for Visual C++ developers to learn how to compile HTML files into a Windows executable, therefore avoiding the need to use commercial HTML compilers
  • eBook "How to Create an eBook Using Visual C++" 1.
    This eBook "How to Create an eBook Using Visual C++" is a step-by-step illustrated guide for Visual C++ developers to learn how to compile HTML files into a Windows executable, therefore avoiding the need to use commercial HTML compilers