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20 plugins for Photoshop (PC) - mix of image editing effects
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Andrew's Plugins vol 5 (PC Plugins for Photoshop) Related Software | - Andrew's Plugins vol 6 - PC Plugins
Part of our continuing series of pc plugins for Photoshop and other hosts such as PSP and Bryce and Photo-Paint and PhotoDraw - 20 amazing plugins effects packed with many options themed around colour threshold effects - truly create some amazing imagery
- Andrew's Plugins vol 13 - Mixed filter effects
mixed plugin effects PC for Photoshop, psp, photodraw and many other applications
contains the following powerful plugin effects
gradient distortion/shift
grid distortions
and more
part of the ongoing series of plugins for Photoshop
- Andrew's Plugins vol 1 (PC Plugins for Photoshop a
Andrew's Plugins Vol 1 - Mixed plugins
46 Mixed - powerful plugins effects, frames, edge effects, psychdelic, nightmarish, subtle, dotty, jarring, blur effects, color channel mixers, posterization, color threshold effects and more