YL Mail Man 2.55 YL Mail Man is a flexible email addresses management and email delivering software
Perfect Emailer 2.31 Perfect Emailer is a professional high performance mass mailing management and sending software for targeted bulk email marketing campaigns and email lists building at your desktop
Newsletter Manager Pro 7.60 Newsletter Manager Pro is a web-based e-newsletter publishing and subscriber management software
Newsletter Mailer 1.5 this newsletter mailer is a professional high performance mass mailing management and sending software for targeted bulk email marketing campaigns and email lists building at your desktop
Bulk Emailer 1.3 Bulk Emailer is a flexible email addresses management and newsletter sending software
Bulk Mailer 1.3 Bulk Mailer is a professional high performance bulk mailing management and sending software for targeted bulk email marketing campaigns and email lists building at your desktop
List Management Software 1.33 this List Management Software is a flexible email addresses management and newsletter sending software