.NET xPorter is a 100% managed .NET component that provides extremely fast export of data from ADO.NET DataSet/DataTable/DataView into Microsoft® Excel
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.NET txtReader for Text Files 1 .NET txtReader for Text Files is a set of classes, specifically designed to read text files and load the data into ADO.NET DataTable/DataSet from .NET applications . The latest version of the component is implemented as a .NET Managed Provider with read-only capabilities which allow it to treat each text file in a folder as a table with the data and read data from character-delimted or fixed columns text files without the need to use any additional providers. This also results in a familiar look-and-feel and allows for future extension of the component. .NET txtReader uses 100% .NET managed code and is designed to use minimal PC memory to achieve maximum performance.
Gridview to Excel Export Tool This tool allows any ASPX pages and WinForms developer to export data in tabular form to Excel in a matter of seconds