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- IBM Certification Exam Guide 9.0
Get at www.ePlanetLabs.com IBM, certification, exam, question, Braindumps sample questions, sample test, sample tests,sample papers, self, 000-062, 000-070, 000-071, 000-074, 000-077, 000-078, 000-093, 000-141, 000-154, 000-180, 000-190
- Whizlabs Oracle Certification Exam (1Z0-101) Simul 6.0
Ensure your success in OCP 1Z0-101 Exam with Whizlabs exam simulator comprising of 5 mock exams having 171 challenging questions on the latest pattern.
Microsoft Certification - Practice Exams 1.1_Online Free
Our Microsoft practice exams are 100% free for all users. Our Exams target the following Microsoft certifications - MCAD, MCSD, MCPD and MCTS..
Whizlabs XML Certification Exam Simulator 6.0
Ensure success in XML Test 141 certification exam with Whizlabs simulator,
, the most effective preparatory tool for IBM certification exams. Prepared by experts of the domain, it replicates
SemSim CCNA 640-802 Certification Exam Training 2.2.1
SemSim CCNA 640-802 Training : Online Cisco CCNA 640-802 Certification Exam Training is an online course that teaches you using sound, graphics, interactive simulations and assessments. Updated to reflect the latest exam trend: 640-802, ICND1, ICND2
OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(3.8) | Downloads:(23) |
Medical Assistant Certification Puzzle 1.0 Free
Take a break from your studies and relax with a fun medical asst training puzzle
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(8) |
Move Oracle to Another Oracle Database Software 7.0
Transfer data (tables) from one Oracle database to another quickly. Simply provide the login information for both databases to connect. No SQL knowledge is required.
Oracle-to-MySQL is a program to move Oracle databases to MySQL server. Key features: (1) all Oracle data types (except BFILE and MLSLABEL) and attributes are supported(2) works with all versions of MySQL server(3) converts indexes with all necessary attributes(4) merges Oracle data into an existing MySQL ...
SCJP 6 Certification Training Lab 1.3
This software book delivers complete study material for Oracle?s Java Standard Edition 6 Programmer Certified Professional Exam(1Z0-851) to achieve Oracle Certified Professional, Java SE 6 Programmer Certification.This simulator is developed by experienced Java experts with review tips, real-world program examples, and challenging sample mock exam questions that systematically prepare you for ...
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP/2003 | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(3) |
Oracle-to-MySQL is a program to move Oracle databases to MySQL server. All Oracle data types (except BFILE and MLSLABEL) and attributes are supported. The program has easy-to-use wizard style interface and works with all versions of MySQL server.
The main TV.Base functional aims are: Dynamic data comparison; Reference checking comparing against another Oracle system containing reference data; Data evolution checking; The checks are not implemented but generically configured; Tolerance results are stored; Limits can be set and limit exceeding ...
Oracle-to-Access is a program to convert Oracle databases into MS Access format.
Key features: (1) all versions of Windows and Linux/Unix Oracle servers are supported; (2) converts indexes
Excel-to-Oracle is a program to migrate MS Excel data into Oracle database. Each worksheet becomes a table, each row becomes a record and each cell becomes a field. All versions of MS Excel are supported.
dotConnect for Oracle is an enhanced database connectivity solution built over ADO.NET architecture and a development framework with a number of innovative technologies. With state of the art ORM solutions such as Entity Framework and LINQ to SQL, it introduces new approaches for designing applications and boosts productivity of database ...
OS :Windows Vista/XP/2003 | Average rating:(4) | Downloads:(16) |
Database converter software easily converts all MySQL attributes including keys, indexes, tables, schemas, triggers, views into Oracle database tables. MySQL to Oracle db translator is a cost effective tool generates reliable solution in minimal time
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(18) |
SCMAD 1 Certification Training Lab 1.1
Exclusively developed for individuals preparing for Oracle?s Java Mobile Edition 1 Mobile Application Developer Certified Professional Exam(1Z0-869) preparation.
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP/2003 | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(6) |
MSSQL-to-Oracle is a program to migrate MS SQL databases to Oracle server. Key features: (1) all versions of MS SQL starting from 7.0 are supported;(2) all versions of Windows and Unix Oracle servers are supported;(3) option to merge MS SQL data into an existing Oracle tables;(4) option to convert partial data using ...
OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(4.6) | Downloads:(28) |
Oracle to MySQL converter is tool to migrate Oracle records into MySQL server database. All MySQL and Oracle character set are supported by Oracle to MySQL converter. Oracle to MySQL converter merge converted data with existing MySQL database.
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(19) |
UncleOra for Oracle is a fast multi-threaded SQL and PL/SQL tool with a script library and an advanced grid for developers and database administrators. Features: script library; SQL and PL/SQL editor; single, multiple and for update statement execution; bind variables; describe objects; powerful grid; SQL statement execution plan; popup ...
Professional MySQL to Oracle DB transformation application fully support all MySQL database attributes, data types, key constraints including primary, foreign, candidate, unique, null values during conversion of valuable business record files from MySQL database to Oracle server format. Cost effective MySQL to Oracle database migration ...
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(10) |
Oracle-to-MSSQL is a program to move Oracle databases to MS SQL server. All Oracle data types (except BFILE and MLSLABEL) and attributes are supported. The program has easy-to-use wizard style interface and supports command line.
OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(4.6) | Downloads:(33) |
SCWCD 5 Certification Training Lab 1.3
This software book delivers complete study material for Oracle?
s Java Enterprise Edition 5 Web Component Developer Certified Professional Exam(1Z0-858) to achieve Oracle Certified
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP/2003 | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(7) |
Oracle Maestro is a powerful solution for the Oracle server administration and development. Key features include:- support for all Oracle versions on the market;- easy database object management;- database designer; - PL/SQL debugger;- data management: viewing, editing, grouping, sorting and filtering abilities;- handy SQL ...
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(7) |
SCBCD 5 Certification Training Lab 1.1
Exclusively developed for individuals preparing for Oracle?s Java Enterprise Edition 5 Business Component Developer Certified Professional Exam(1Z0-860) preparation.
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP/2003 | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(8) |