- KML Generator 2.05 Free
This utility can be used to analyze GPS log files and then generate graphs, summaries, reports and Google Earth (TM) compatible KML files.With the PRO version you can create trip reports with details such as drive time, distance, stop time, etc.
- KMLReduce 1.0
KMLReduce optimizes the size of KML files by analyzing, reducing, and removing coordinates from polygons contained within the file. This allows you to distribute the KML file online and use less traffic for users and services accessing the fille.
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(7) |
- MB-GPS2KML 1.1
MB-GPS2KML converts a GPS log file (in plain NMEA format) to a KML file (placemark file for Google Earth) and opens this file in Google Earth.Velocity, number of satellites and HDOP are interpreted as height, color and size of the icons.
GeoIPTC is a geocoding software service for jpeg and tiff files that provides automatic retrieval coordinates based on photos city IPTC information to locate and display pictures on maps. Works with free Google Maps, Yahoo Maps, Geonames services.
OS :Windows Vista/XP | Average rating:(4) | Downloads:(12) |
GeoIPTC Geolocalisation de Photos 1.01
With GeoIPTC you will be able to read the IPTC city information in pictures and get the corresponding coordinates to your photos from several free services and embed this into the pictures in standard tags in a very professional way. You will also create sets of pictures with ...
Visualize your data in 3D! Quick, easy and inexpensive. Graph Earth enables business professionals to create stunning visual representations of their data, all without the time and costs associated with a full-feature GIS.
Create own true to scale maps, store online maps locally with Vivo techology,
with and without satellite background, export as pixel file and kmz.
GE-Graph 2.2.21 Free
Make graph into Googlr Earth to illustrate your presentations, papers, etc. GE-Graph was developed to generate graphs from kml files saved by GE. The file generated by GE-Graph can be exported to Google Earth.Make Bars graphMake graph with geometrical shapes (circles, squares, triangles, etc).Set the shape ...
Calculate area (acreage) accurately and easily with free version of Google Earth. Google Earth allows you to mark an area as a path. This can then be saved as a KML file. EasyAcreage can read this file and convert it to area and distance.
OS :Windows Vista/XP | Average rating:(4.6) | Downloads:(24) |
GIS Package is a component suite for integrating Google Map Service into Delphi / BCB applications. It wraps the features of Google Map / Earth API s and lets you develop applications without hassling with html and/or javascript.
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(4.8) | Downloads:(23) |
Geocode digital images with latitude, longitude, altitude, and direction information. RoboGEO stamps this information onto the actual photo or writes it to the EXIF headers, allowing you to permanently geotag and link your photos to the GPS coordinates. All writing to the EXIF and IPTC headers is ...
ATOM GPS 1.0.5 Free
Geotag your photos directly from your GPS device or track log with Atom GPS. Simply connect your GPS Device to Atom GPS and by selecting your photos you can add their geolocation in one click.
All-in-one software for creation of custom GPS maps compatible with Garmin GPS units. Mapwel supports routing, ESRI shapefiles, OpenStreetMap OSM, Google Earth KML and KMZ, cGPSmapper MP and GPX files. Mapwel custom GPS mapping capability and user icons editor are often used in forestry, electrical engineering, geology and ...
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(9) |
Run.GPS Trainer UV is the perfect tool to take along doing all sorts of sports like running, skiing, hiking, and many more. Run.GPS Trainer UV is compatible with most PocketPCs and Smartphones (requires Windows Mobile 2003 Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 5 or Windows Mobile 6).Recording * high-precision algorithm for ...
OS :Windows 2003/CE,Mobile,Pocket PC,Blackberry | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(11) |
Run.GPS Trainer UV Deutsch 2.3.0
Run.GPS is a sports and navigation tool for runners, mountain bikers, hikers and other athletes. It offers training recording and analysis, interfaces to web portals and Google Earth, importing maps and much more.
OS :Windows 2003/CE,Mobile,Pocket PC,Blackberry | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(17) |
Run.GPS Trainer UV English 2.1.0
Run.GPS Trainer UV is the perfect tool to take along doing all sorts of sports like running, skiing, hiking, and many more. Run.GPS Trainer UV is compatible with most PocketPCs and Smartphones (requires Windows Mobile 2003 Pocket PC, Windows Mobile 5 or Windows Mobile 6).Recording * high-precision algorithm for ...
Run.GPS Trainer + Analyzer 1.2.7
Run.GPS Trainer is the perfect tool to take along doing all sorts of sports like running, cycling, skiing, hiking, and many more. Run.GPS is for outdoor navigation, training recording, analysis and trainingplan creation. Direct upload to www.gps-sport.net.Recording - high-precision algorithm for recording your training distances and ...
Use your GPS equipped Windows Mobile device to create a Google Earth compatible KML file and track log. Also tracks total distance, elevation gain and average speed.
Mapyx Quo is an intuitive, easy to learn and,
numerous formats: Google Earth KML (*.kml), GPS Exchange format (*.gpx), ESRI Shape File (*.shp), Geocaching (*.loc
KMLCSV Converter is a tool that enables you to convert the KML file generated from Google Earth (free version) into a formatted CSV file (and vice versa). This CSV file can then be uploaded into your Garmin GPS by using Garmin POI Loader, which can be downloaded ...
OS :Windows Vista/XP/2003 | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(5) |
GE-Path was developed to make paths and/or draw circles and polygons with place marks saved by Google Earth. The data can also be typed into the application or pasted/exported to the clipboard. Files generated by GE-Path are exported to Google
ArBa3d is a 3D modeling software that allows to create a 3D model from a set of digital photos. The 3D models can then be displayed on the Web, using the ActiveX applet ArBaWebViewer that comes with the software.
OS :Windows Vista/XP | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(12) |
MPSuperShape is a shape manipulation tool for Microsoft MapPoint. MPSuperShape can be used to combine multiple shapes into one large shape, find the intersections (overlaps) between shapes, find boundary shapes around groups of pushpins, simplify shapes, delete multiple shapes, change shape colors, import/export shape files, ...
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(2) |
T2K or tiles2kml enables you to efficiently load large set of imagery or raster mapsvery quickly into google earth using Region-Based Network Links.
K-ML is the perfect tool for every webmaster who wants to keep contact with his visitors or customers. Thanks to the power of its engine, it can send customized messages to all the subscribers of your lists. It can be easily integrated to an existing Website and automatically fetch subscribtion requests. ...