- Dollar Cost Averaging Calculator 1.0 Free
Calculators future balance and cumulative deposits for intial investment, periodic investment, and periodic withdrawals when using Dollar Cost Averaging techniques for investments such as mutual funds and exchange traded funds. Calculator also tells you how long your money will last based on ...
- Average Interest Rate Calculator 2.1.1
Average Interest Rate Calculator for web sites gives your visitors an easy-to-use financial calculator to determine the average interest rate they pay on their debts
- Free Average Interest Rate Calculator 4.5.01 Free
Calculate Average Interest Rates with this Free Average Interest Rate
Enter the balance and interest rate of your loans. Knowing the average interest rate of loans helps determine
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(-) | Downloads:(2) |
36319 arithmetic and pre-algebra problems from basic to advanced with fully explained solutions, related math theory and easy-to-use test preparation options
Teaches addition, subtraction, multiplication and division for children from 1st through 4th grades. It provides exercises in addition and subtraction with and without regrouping. Problems can involve up to 9 digits. Puzzle and maze game rewards.
Arithmetic operators
Combines two video streams using arithmetic operators
Average Wage Earners Budget Manager 1.0
The Average Wage Earner's Budget Manager provides a powerful yet inexpensive way to tackle household money concerns such as saving on grocery bills, planning for a dream vacation, and managing finances.The View Budget feature is the heart of Budget Manager. After entering your income and expenses information, ...
Add, Multiply or Average Numbers From Text File Lists Software 7.0
Add or multiply a list of numbers together. This list can be created one at a time or by loading the numbers from a text file.
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP/2003 | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(15) |
Customised Monthly Calendars Designed By You, So Much More Than Your Average Mon 9.0
If you are looking for a new monthly calendar but can’t find one that suits you best then why not try the EasyCalendarMaker software, which enables you to make your very own calendars. But it doesn’t only let you make monthly calendars, you can ...
Free MSU VQMT plugin for noise level estimation.
of the metrics the plot of frame-accurate value of noise level is constructed. Final value of the metrics is average arithmetic
SmartBlueDot is easy to use software for creating unique effects on your photos.
This trends management program handles field data from one or more acquisition systems, or internal performance data from servers. It manages any kind of periodically updated value in a database, which can be reached by SQL query.
OS :Windows Vista/XP | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(21) |
This trends management program handles field data from one or more acquisition systems, or internal performance data from servers. It manages any kind of periodically updated value in a database, which can be reached by SQL query from the computer on which the program is being run.Data can be displayed, stored, printed and exported either in graphical or ...
TCS is a trends management program.
from the field for the hourly trends, while the other graphics report, on selection, the arithmetic average
Speed Math 3.0 is a very easy and interesting Kids elementary math games for learning Arithmetic. The fun math games software has been designed for ease of use, fast setup and interactivity. Full Audio-Visual and Multimedia features.
OS :Windows XP/2003 | Average rating:(4.6) | Downloads:(86) |
OptiVec for Delphi 2005: Assembler-written library of vector and matrix functions, 2-3 times faster than compiled source code: Math, statistics, analysis, FFT, matrix inversion, decomposition, curve-fitting - in total more than 3500 functions.
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(17) |
OptiVec contains more than 3500 hand-optimized, Assembler-written functions for all floating-point and integer data types from the following fields: 1. Vectorized form of arithmetic operators and math functions. 2. Matrix operations, e.g.: multiplication, inversion, LU decomposition, singular value decomposition, eigenvalues. 3. Fast Fourier Transform techniques for efficient convolutions, correlation analyses, ...
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(4) |
OptiVec contains more than 3500 hand-optimized, Assembler-written functions for all floating-point and integer data types from the following fields: 1. Vectorized form of arithmetic operators and math functions. 2. Matrix operations, e.g.: multiplication, inversion, LU decomposition, singular value decomposition, eigenvalues. 3. Fast Fourier Transform techniques ...
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(8) |
OptiVec for Delphi 5: Assembler-written library of vector and matrix functions, 2-3 times faster than compiled source code: Math, statistics, analysis, FFT, matrix inversion, decomposition, curve-fitting - in total more than 3500 functions.
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(4) |
OptiVec contains more than 3500 hand-optimized,
form of arithmetic operators and math functions. 2. Matrix operations, e.g.: multiplication, inversion, LU
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(7) |
OptiVec contains more than 3500 hand-optimized, Assembler-written functions for all floating-point and integer data types from the following fields: 1. Vectorized form of arithmetic operators and math functions. 2. Matrix operations, e.g.: multiplication, inversion, LU decomposition, singular value decomposition, eigenvalues. 3. Fast Fourier Transform techniques ...
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(5) |
OptiVec for Borland C/C++: Assembler-written library of vector and matrix functions, 2-3 times faster than compiled C/C++ code: Math, statistics, analysis, FFT, matrix inversion, decomposition, curve-fitting - in total more than 3500 functions.
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(7) |
OptiVec for Delphi 2006/2007 5.3.2
OptiVec for Delphi 2006/2007: Assembler-written library of vector and matrix functions, 2-3 times faster than compiled source code: Math, statistics, analysis, FFT, matrix inversion, decomposition, curve-fitting - in total more than 3500 functions.
OS :Windows 7/Vista/XP | Average rating:(5) | Downloads:(5) |
Math screener 1.1 Free
Training with mental calculation. NEW! Make your children Aces of mental Calculation. Functioning like a screensaver and protected by password administrator (admin), your child is obliged to answer to X operations before finding the control of his computer. You will refine the parameter setting according to the statistics collected. ...