ScanDBX is a fully automatic tool designed to repair damaged Outlook Express files and installations in place, without requiring you to understand where or how Outlook Express stores its data. Microsoft Certified Application and Certified Partner.
The MFP Remote application helps IT system administrators who have to maintain a HP MFP and printer fleet by making it possible to directly access the front panel display of their devices.
PrintLess: Tiny text. Save cash. (TM) Data compression for your printer. Thank you for your interest in PrintLess.... With it, you could print a 50,000 word novel on 2 sheets of paper and mail in the USA for a 1st class stamp.
Print Settings Enforcer It will enforce the default settings defined by the administrator on the print server. It is not allowing the user to change these default settings permanently for his client in the printers and faxes folder.
If you want slightly more advanced features that simple PDF creators provide or are running an older version of Windows, then PDF Writer may be the answer to your needs.