Adaron Zip Portal, Is the suitable, most powerful, and easiest-to-use archive utility for Windows. The Possibility to work with several archives simultaneously. Good for making the archives or backup. Internal file browser, Drop , Notebook, Favorites
CleanIt is small but useful program that is automatically executed when you start your computer (or enter Windows NT/2000 system) and clean all lost temporary files and folders from your TEMP directory.
Password Keeper Expert enables you to store all your passwords and codes at one place. It protects your information using the reliable password-based encryption method.
Random Password Generator Expert is a full-featured and powerful, yet small and handy application able to generate passwords of any length and character content.
Don't fall prey to keyloggers and snooping software that records your activities. This Windows XP product provides firewall-like protection for your keyboard, screen and open windows. You'll know in real-time if anyone tries to spy on you.
Topmost Clock is a transparent desktop clock, which runs on top of all other windows. It may have a digital or analog clock face of various colors, sizes and shapes. It has flexible settings, which allow customizing the clock.
Emits DTMF tones including A, B, C and D using PC sound card. Features programmable memory, last 16 number redial and single instance tool-tray operation.
Windows LockUp password-protects your PC and restricts access to it by time schedule and duration, has a built-in password protected screen saver and network user validation feature for Windows logon to increase your security.