Momentous Pulp and Paper Calculator. FREE !! MxCalc(worth $4.99, embedded in the program) Unit Coverter.Scientific Evaluator.Bond's Correlation - WaterVapor Pressure in Paper and more..
Momentous electrial engineering formulae.FREE !!MxCalc (worth $4.99, embedded in the program)Unit Coverter.Scientific Evaluator.FREE !!2+Property Tables (worth $2.99).List of Calculators…Cantilever with Uniform Load Distribution and more..
Momentous Thermodynamics Calculator.FREE !!MxCalc (worth $4.99, embedded in the program)Unit Coverter.Scientific Evaluator.Black Body Radiation,Plancks Spectral Distribution Law and more..
Six most commonly used Financial calculators.Unit Converter.Scientific Evaluator. 6+Calculators,Function Categories,Functions and more.. A must have for all PDA users to quickly solve commonly used calculations.
340+formulae catering to Mechanical Eng.,Hydraulic Eng.,Structural Eng.,Machine Design,Electrical Eng.,Fluid Mechanics,Heat and Mass Transfer,Thermodynamics, Pulp and Paper,HVAC,Heat Exchanger & Pipe Flow.FREE !!MxCalc and more..
Momentous Heat and Mass Transfer Calculator.Scientific Evaluator-Superlative collection of Operators and instant reference to recent calculations.Memory functions etc. Entropy Exchange in HeatXfer,Heat Conduction in Hollow Cylinder and more..
Momentous HVAC Calculator.Features..NEW Property Tables.NEW Constant Values etc.FREE !!MxCalc (worth $4.99, embedded in the program) Unit Coverter.Scientific Evaluator.FREE !!Property Tables (worth $2.99)Humidity Ratio,Moist Air Density and more...
Momentous Machine Design Calculator.FREE !!MxCalc (worth $4.99, embedded in the program)Unit Coverter.Scientific Evaluator.Sizing Drive Pulleys Driven Pulley Speed and more.