Security & Privacy  /   Password Managers  /  PortableSafe 1.2 Free Download
"PortableSafe keeps all your passwords and other private information locked in a secure encrypted..."

Quick Download PortableSafe 1.2

PortableSafe is a software solution that keeps all your passwords and other private information locked in a secure encrypted file. Included within the program is a configurable password generator which allows you to create secure passwords. With PortableSafe you have complete flexibility over the data items stored for each record. Unlike many other password managers, you are not confined to a prescribed template and can store as much or as little information as you wish. And the more you use PortableSafe the more the program learns about what type of information you like to store for each record type, making it easier to add new records. Due to its small file size, PortableSafe can easily be copied to a removable device such as a USB memory key and will run on other PCs without installation or without leaving a trace. Data is encrypted using the US Defence-approved AES256 encryption algorithm. PortableSafe has a convenient, powerful and lightning-fast data search feature for when you store large amounts of data and need to locate information quickly. It also has a quick, one-click data backup feature. URLs, email fields and other documents listed within a record can be hyper-linked so that they will open your browser, email client or other default program (e.g. Word). The program contains a built-in, customizable password generator tool can be used to derive secure passwords. Strong passwords have upper and lower case letters as well as numbers and special characters, making them virtually impossible to guess. You can specify the password format. There is no limit on the number of password files (e.g. one for each family member). Creating, copying, editing and deleting records are all easy and convenient. Drag and Drop can be used to move records between groups, making it easy to reorganise records as the amount of data stored grows. Each record can have an expiry date set for it. Passwords can easily be copied and pasted to web pages etc.


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File Size:815 KB
Last updated:2010-01-29
License:Free Trial   $8.05
OS:Win7 x32,Win98,WinVista,WinXP
Author:Boydevlin Ltd
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Statement do not supply any crack, patches,torrent, password, serial numbers, registration codes, key generators, cd key, hacks or keygen for the software,and please consult directly with program authors (Boydevlin Ltd) if you have any problem with the software.

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