GiliSoft Exe Lock can lock any executable programs on your local computer.If you do don't want other persons to use your tax preparation software, personal finance or other programs you like, you simply need to run this application.
Lock any applications or programs instantly - you can use your own password to block others using your apps. Once locked, the person trying to access your programs need the correct password to unlock it; or else they will stay inaccessible.
WinGuard Pro 2016 can Password Protect Programs and encrypt files on your computer. Users can add Password Protection to any Windows Program (ie Exe's, Store Apps, Desktop Apps). Lock Installers, Internet and File Explorer.
Secure Hunter Anti-Theft Very useful for app for everyone who are using Android smartphone that it will increase your device security using its features like to remove for charging, shake/move position
WinGuard Pro 2016 can Password Protect Programs and encrypt files on your computer. Users can add Password Protection to any Windows Program (ie Exe's, Store Apps, Desktop Apps). Lock Installers, Internet and File Explorer.
This robust application safely denies access to your private data and grants access only if you enter the correct password. You can make your data hidden, locked, or read-only. Download this utility now!
WinGuard Pro can Password Protect Programs on your computer. Users can add Password Protection to any Windows Program (ie Exe's, Store Apps, Desktop Apps). Lock Installers, Internet and File Explorer.