Opendir Viewer is a viewing tool for pictures stored in OpenDirs on the internet. With this application you can view thumbnails of pictures which are stored in een Open Directory. You can also see the fullsize picture and save the jpg and gif picture
PostCatcher is binary News Reader, designed to work with multifile posts, It allows you combine multiple groups into one 'Scan', combine multifile posts to narrow number of records in one scan from, say, 200 000 till more resonable 200
PostOffice is an excelent massmailer and email manager,Auto add new emailaddreses,Auto remove emailaddresses,Auto delete bounced emailaddresses,Auto check for new messages,and more,
Products Generator EMS is our new patent applied for E-commerce Management System that has so far powered over 136,000 commission-earning products, worth over 2.2 million dollars on to
Send-Safe Proxy Scanner is a program designed for searching for HTTPS/SOCKS proxies. Proxylists to check and proxylists used for anonymous scanning/checking can be placed on a web or ftp server.
Spiders a site and creates output files containing (1) a list of URLs in the site, (2) a Google sitemap, (3) an XML summary file with title, description, and keywords for each page, and (4) links to URLs external to the spidered domain.
Spam Filter utilizes the latest technology which learns from spammers messages and continually adjusts itself to protect your mailbox. Using proactive rather than reactive methods for eliminating spams, it can block over 99% of spam.(SFSBCB)