Lively circles whirling across the screen and forming amazing patterns. You can easily dissolve in this process from the daytime stream. Look at the screen, calm down your mind and realize that everething is just great in this beautiful lovely life.
Ancient Haos appears at the scene. Confused moving stars rush across your desktop to find the way out. Relax and keep patience! It is going to be fine. Crazy Moving Stars screensaver is just a reminder that everething is possible in this funny world.
ENERGY STAR's EZ GPO tool allows a network administrator to centrally control power management settings using GPOs, saving up to $50 per workstation per year. EZ GPO can activate system standby, which places the PC box to sleep.
Password Generator allows to generate any quantity of passwords with one mouse click. Using Password Generator you do not have to think out new passwords. Password Generator will do it instead of you.
SSSiter is your personal intelligent Web agent which investigates a given Web site looking for your search phrase and finds information that can be buried in it. SSSiter provides you with the report with a ranked list of page links and text
Create or modify drawings and animations. Easy to use. Award winning software. Read, write many formats (photo and animation as well as vector: JPG, BMP, EMF, WMF, PNG, and more). Includes clipart, fonts, wizards. FREE. Registration required.
Quest Central® for SQL Server is an integrated database management solution designed to enable administrators to manage complex database environments and simplify everyday tasks.