Pass Select Certification exam Google-Apps-Calendar in first attempt. 200 questions with detailed explanation and 24 study notes. Google-Apps-Calendar - Google Apps Calendar study notes, articles and mock test. 99% pass rate, 100% money back guarante
SplitEm splits and rejoins files of Any size or Type. When splitting, also creates a 'JoinEm' of only 28 Kb with each set for sending files by email with attachment limits or for backing up to disks.
Moved your web site lately or would just like to redirect visitors to another page? Creating an Html or JavaScript redirect page is as easy as entering the web address you want to send the user to.
PDF Margin Cleaning is a Windows utility program that lets you crop or removes the white margins (space) from PDF pages. PDF Margin Cleaning is using image recognition arithmetic to determine margins and crop margins automatically.
eReminder is a full-featured calendar application designed specifically for planning, managing, and scheduling your important dates and times.Moreover,it provides plenty of reminding ways: play music, execute application, pop up a talking agent, etc.
Gif·gIf·giF is a small shareware program for producing GIF animations from screen captures. It is especially useful for producing animated software demonstrations or tutorials. GIF animations are automatically displayed by web browsers.
CD Sequencer is a tool that makes it possible to record extra MIDI instruments in the CD tracks of your favourite CD's. Synchronisation of the MIDI tracks and the CD player is checked and corrected continuously while playing.
The AtomicRobot Information Manager allows you to easily store, find, and protect information important to you! Whenever you need to save important information, simply type it in or paste it in and click Save!