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"pdfcamp(pdf writer) and pdfcamp(pdf writer) Pro are easy to use tools for creating PDF files from..."

Quick Download PDFcamp Printer(pdf writer) 2.30

PDFcamp Printer(pdf writer) is the quick and easy PDF creation software that converts any type of printable Windows document, including DOC, XLS, PPT, TXT and even HTML, to universally accepted PDF with the click of a button.
PDFcamp(pdf writer) installs as a printer driver, making the creation of PDF documents as easy as printing. This gives users a simple way to share any type of Windows document through the standard, universal PDF format. PDFcamp(pdf writer) answers the need of corporations and individuals for an easy to implement low-cost and rapid PDF creation solution.

PDFcamp Printer (PDF Writer) features:
1. PDFcamp(pdf writer) Installs as a printer driver,
2. PDFcamp(pdf writer) appears in the printers folder as PDFcamp Printer, so you can print from your application as you would print to a standard printer,
3. PDFcamp(pdf writer) supports any type of printable windows document including DOC, PPT, HTML and TXT etc,
4. PDFcamp(pdf writer) supports font embedding and subsetting,
5. PDFcamp(pdf writer) supports Asian language characters,
6. PDFcamp(pdf writer) supports Optimised to increase speed,
7. PDFcamp(pdf writer) is easy to use,
8. PDFcamp(pdf writer) supports page margin, page orientation,
9. PDFcamp(pdf writer) supports email pdf file at background,
10. PDFcamp(pdf writer) supports batch printing,
11. PDFcamp(pdf writer) supports password protection for PDF files with 40 or 128 bit encryption,
12. PDFcamp(pdf writer) supports set file permissions to restrict printing, copying, and future modifications to the document,
13. PDFcamp(pdf writer) supports hyperlinks,
14. PDFcamp(pdf writer) supports supports merge to an existing PDF file (insert before the first page or append to the last page);
15. PDFcamp(pdf writer) supports supports ZIP/JPEG compression for the image stream;
No need to learn a complex program. Just select the PDFcamp(pdf writer) Printer Printer and click OK.


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PDFcamp Printer(pdf writer)
File Size:585 KB
Last updated:2004-07-03
License:Free Trial   $29.9
OS:WinXP,Windows2000,Windows2003 Inc
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Statement do not supply any crack, patches,torrent, password, serial numbers, registration codes, key generators, cd key, hacks or keygen for the software,and please consult directly with program authors ( Inc) if you have any problem with the software.

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