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Quick Download 15 vs 30 Year Mortgage + 1.2

Program Description: 15 VS 30 YEAR MORTGAGE
This program is a version that allows you to compare a 15 year
mortgage with one that has a duration of 30 years. It will run under
Win 95, 98, Me, NT4, XP, & 2000. If you itemize deductions, then you know the
IRS allows you to deduct mortgage interest. This subsidizing of a
mortgage means you can receive credit for the increased interest you
pay on a 30 year loan. The basic premise of this evaluation is that if
the buyer could afford the monthly payments for the shorter term (and
would invest the difference in monthly payments according to the
instructions), at certain rates of return on the investment it would be
more advantageous to obtain the 30 year mortgage. Printouts are
professional looking and may be used by financial planners as they
contain a prepared by: area. This program may also be useful to
lending institutions in advising a client on the term of a mortgage.


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15 vs 30 Year Mortgage +
File Size:1213 KB
Last updated:2001-05-20
License:Free Trial   $8.00
Author:Bent Tree Software
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Statement do not supply any crack, patches,torrent, password, serial numbers, registration codes, key generators, cd key, hacks or keygen for the software,and please consult directly with program authors (Bent Tree Software) if you have any problem with the software.

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