Your cigars are marvels of creation and they represent an awful lot of work. From the picking of the best tobacco leaves, the fermentation process, the meticulous combination and blending of varied leaves and hand rolling.
The tobaccos that are used in the different blends have been cultivated in accordance with the most ancient traditions, in the richest soils and ideal climatic conditions ,All Davidoff cigars maintain well defined standards of quality and excellence.
The founder Zino was born in 1906 in modern day Ukraine. His parents opened a tobacco store in Switzerland. He went to Latin America to learn more about the trade. There he marketed a series of Cuban cigars but later switched to Dominican tobacco.
The cigars production is very less to find it in almost every store. It is not as if other big brands those product cigars in unbelievable quantity with inferior quality. Every single cigar is roller to perfection at the work place of Jose Girbes,Thi
Swisher Sweets were first brought into introduction in the later decade of 1950. In USA, those who are addict of marijuana and hashish prefer to smoke swisher sweets. It is now among America's major exports.
Nowadays, there are many people around the globe that are engaged in smoking. If you think why they love to smoke, you have to ask various people with various perspective why they smoke. Cigar smoking is definitely different from cigarette smoking.
Smoke one and you will never want another cigar! They are rich and dark, almost maduro. Every cigar is hand rolled and made by the traditional Torcedores? expert hands in Tabacalera Esteli. They are totally hand made with aged long leaf fillers.
Bacchus is long filler, handmade cigar coming from the Dominican Republic. It contains fine tobaccos, some of the most exotic that can be found anywhere. Using only premium quality tobaccos, Bacchus has only exquisite and surprising flavors.
It has become very popular among the American Youths. It has a large variety of flavors available in the markets. The flavors are menthol, chocolate, tequila, peach, grape, wine and strawberry?Swisher Sweets were first brought into introduction in th
From the best tobacco from the Dominican Republic they make these flavored cigars using a number of flavors to make an equal number of flavored cigars. Starting with the ever popular and common vanilla they have a variety of flavors. These cigars ar