Vibrational medicine is based on the idea that all illness or disease is characterized by a blockage of the energy channels on some level. When there is a blockage, the organ in question stops vibrating at a healthy frequency and thus it results in some kind of illness. So through sound and light one can break up, dissolve and release these blockages that initiate in our etheric body. With proper intent, the pure tones of The Sacred Solfeggio scale can be a powerful force in bringing conscious awareness and vibrational rebalancing to areas of our bodies that are out of tune. When we lovingly and consciously attune our awareness to those places in our bodies that are wanting to be noticed, and use the power of sound to carry our loving intent, then we open the doorway for the emotional body to heal. When the emotional body is well so is the physical body! As we heal our selves we heal the world around us.
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