Games & Entertainment  /   Adventure & Roleplay  /  Huntsman The Orphanage 1.0 Free Download
"Huntsman The Orphanage a 3D first-person walkthrough of an abandoned orphanage and its rambling..."

Quick Download Huntsman The Orphanage 1.0

Huntsman The Orphanage a 3D first-person walkthrough of an abandoned orphanage and its rambling grounds and hedge mazes, where your only weapon is your wits and your only equipment is your mobile phone – lucky you loaded it with a torch app! Find the missing orphans trapped in other threads of time and space, re-unite them with their most treasured possessions to help them find a way back, and avoid coming face to face with… the Huntsman!

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Huntsman The Orphanage
File Size:435536 KB
Last updated:2013-10-08
License:Freeware   $0
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