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"2023 In one of the closed special clinics where experiments were conducted on the creation of a..."

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2023 In one of the closed special clinics where experiments were conducted on the creation of a superman failed in the system and everything went wrong. Subjects began to mutate and not to give in to control. Everyone was evacuated but there was one nurse left in the building who could not leave the clinic. Your task is to find her and save. But not everything is so simple, in addition to mutants were still guards who are armed. TDS third-person shooter, you need to fight off the crowds of zombies and find a way out of the labyrinth clinic. Select only will be able to reach the end ...

2023 In one of the closed special clinics where experiments were conducted on the creation of a superman failed in the system and everything went wrong. Subjects began to mutate and not to give in to control. Everyone was evacuated but there was one nurse left in the building who could not leave the clinic. Your task is to find her and save. But not everything is so simple, in addition to mutants were still guards who are armed. TDS third-person shooter, you need to fight off the crowds of zombies and find a way out of the labyrinth clinic. Select only will be able to reach the end ...

2023 In one of the closed special clinics where experiments were conducted on the creation of a superman failed in the system and everything went wrong. Subjects began to mutate and not to give in to control. Everyone was evacuated but there was one nurse left in the building who could not leave the clinic. Your task is to find her and save. But not everything is so simple, in addition to mutants were still guards who are armed. TDS third-person shooter, you need to fight off the crowds of zombies and find a way out of the labyrinth clinic. Select only will be able to reach the end ...

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File Size:350721 KB
Last updated:2024-12-03
License:Freeware   $0.00
Author:Falco Software Company
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