jalada Fractual is your program to generate fractal images. It generates color images of the most popular fractal - the Mandelbrot set - and also generates images of the associated Julia sets.
FC-Win (tm) is a front-end program for Fortran Calculus (tm). The Fortran Calculus (FC) language is for math
modeling, simulation, and optimization. FC is based on Automatic Differentiation (AD) that simplifies computer code
to an absolute minimu
Find best Spectral Estimation Method for a Power Spectral Density plot. A menu of 10+ spectral estimators from
Steve Kay"s textbook, Modern Spectral Estimation, 1988, is available to choose from. Some estimator results differ
Truth in Science Counts is a multimedia, interactive, Adventure in Science, exploring the Universe we live in. Why are we here? Was Darwin right? Did life evolve or was it created? Does radiometric dating prove the earth is billions of years old?
LANE is a universal program for trajectories calculation of flight vehicles (stage - concept analysis, conceptual design): Projectile, Railguns, Launchers (V-2,SpaceShipTwo,Rockets...), Gliders, Balloons, Reentry vehicles (Vostok, Apollo)
A software program that allows you to study how astronomical objects move and interact under the force of gravity. It features superb interactive 3D graphics which allow you to move around within an astronomical system, while watching how it evolves.
Not only is PTE a printable Periodic Table of Elements and contains detailed information on each of the elements, but allows users to get specific information in a snap, or view everything in a sortable list!