jWorkbook is an Excel Add-In that enables you to build powerful database queries and see the results directly in your Excel Spreadsheet. Build reports quickly using single or multiple SQL statements. Supports Oracle, Access and SQL Server.
ABCCrypto is an ATL COM component for encrypting and decrypting data. It's incredibly simple to use and works with virtually any format you'll ever come across. You can encrypt or decrypt variants, BLOB data or files.
PickList is an ActiveX control for selecting items from one list (available) and moving them to another list (selected). This is most useful in applications such as an email client.
Build professional "step by step" interface (ie. Wizard). In a few lines of code you create a powerful wizard to simplify complex tasks in your software systems.It provides a powerful framework for developing wizards that follow the Wizard97 spec
JOutlookBar provide the Microsoft? Outlook component in Java. Even the Swing API do not provide this powerful component ... got it with the JOutlookBar.This powerful outlook bar support a lot of features, like icons management, customizable cell
TreeView displays a hierarchical list of Node objects, each of which consists of a label and a bitmap. TreeeView is typically used to display the headings in a document, the entries in an index, the files and directories on a disk, or any other kind.
Free full source code! Additional components for FastReport Can be installed in Delphi 4-7, CB4-6. DB engines for all DBS; Add-ons for designer and report engine; export filters RTF, XLS, HTM, BMP, JPG, GIF; Import filters from MS Word, Excel, QR