Rohos establishes a new login way into Windows - by using a USB flash drive. It's just like carrying a key for your house. Think of the USB as the key, and the computer as your house. You want to get in you have to use the key. Welcome screen add-on.
This freeware shell enhancement provides two important functions from virtually any spot you can right-click: it allows switching to the desired window using menu as well as it allows closing unwanted windows with [CTRL]+Right Click combination!
Ultradesk is an virtual desktop manager that lets you have multiple desktops (just like many screens) and you can have different windows and applications running in each desktop.
1. Vividlife helps to clarify your goal. 2. to formally write down what you are going to do is an investment of determination. The more the investment is, the more responsibility to achieve the goal. 3. formally written jobs are not easily forgotten.
Weather4You announces a new desktop weather forecast software - a free download that provides instant forecasts on demand.
The Weather4You software provides current conditions in quick-read numbers and icons on the desktop, plus a summary report
Smart wallpaper changer, which can do the magic with your background image via customizable templates (interactive calendar, picture mixer, memo pad, weather forecast and more). Desktop can be enlivened with clocks. Designed for big collections!
Icon Genesis brings revolutionary, and easy to use icon management; and takes advantage of today’s high performance PCs by introducing "Live!" Interactive and 3D Animated Icons.
The small size ~110KB.Allows to keep operatively the text on ten pages.The icon of a notebook after autostart is placed in TryBar.The call of a notebook is possible on a hot key.
This Utility Can Customize Your Computer You Fit To Needs. Includes Desktop & Startmenu Security tools win Customizing Tools It's Give More EnterTaintment. Now You Have Option To Brand your compouter own. Oemlogo Manager