MB Western Astrology Planetary Aspects calculates the angular distance or aspects between different planets based on Western Astrology. Each aspect is associated with different attributes that are reflected in an individual's personality.
Enjoy the majesty and spirit of the horse on your desktop. Majestic Horses displays high quality photos in a slideshow presentation. The full version includes 20 breathtaking images, plus the ability to choose between multiple transition effects.
IsMyLcdOK is a small program but effective solution to easily check for dead/paralysed/stuck pixels on LCD monitors. IsMyLcdOK does not have to be installed and can be executed easily from the desktop, and can be carried on a small usb-stick .
OneLoupe is required to view everything on the screen enlarged.Simple and easy to use, the small Magnifier is always ready when you need it to view all fine details, even the small print in the I-Net to decipher. Take OneLuope and stretch screen .
For details please visit producer's web site now: www.wallpapers.bionixwallpaper.com It cycles the pictures on your desktop at your choosen time intervals.
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With this program, you can put any kind of function you like to a Joystick- or Gamepadcontrol such as axis or buttons. Functions are loaded from plugins in the form of DLLs. It comes with 7 plugins such as Winamp- or Keyboard-Control.