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"EuropeSoftwares' software improves efficiency with streams, memos, keyword search"

Quick Download EuropeSoftwares FlowMemo 2025

This software significantly improves your work efficiency. Information is organized into feeds and memos. Each memo contains relevant data about specific people or projects. The user can record an infinite number of small pieces of information. Thanks to a simple and intuitive interface, search fields make it easy to find information by entering keywords. It supports multiple international languages. Developed by the company EuropeSoftwares, this program uses the JAVA language and XML technology. It requires Oracle's JAVA runtime to run on operating systems such as Windows, Linux, Macintosh, and Solaris.


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EuropeSoftwares FlowMemo
File Size:1611 KB
Last updated:2024-12-01
License:Free Trial   $43
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Statement do not supply any crack, patches,torrent, password, serial numbers, registration codes, key generators, cd key, hacks or keygen for the software,and please consult directly with program authors (EuropeSoftwares.NET) if you have any problem with the software.

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