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"Free website in ASP.NET allows search via keywords, uses XML, and requires IIS server"

Quick Download EuropeSoftwares WebFilesBot 2025

This website is an application that allows you to be queried by keywords. The database is composed from text files. A free application is available to extract text from many documents (doc, pdf, etc.) in order to create the database. The program supports multiple international languages. This program is written in ASP.NET and uses XML technology. This is a solution to be installed on a Microsoft IIS server. Contact our company if you would like an expert to guide you in setting up your website. Many hosting providers, present on the internet, offer hosting services for a few euros per month. It should also be noted that referencing services are offered by our company to increase the visibility of your website on a global scale.


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EuropeSoftwares WebFilesBot
File Size:474 KB
Last updated:2024-12-01
License:Demo   $130
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Statement do not supply any crack, patches,torrent, password, serial numbers, registration codes, key generators, cd key, hacks or keygen for the software,and please consult directly with program authors (EuropeSoftwares.NET) if you have any problem with the software.

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