Business  /   Project Management  /  BSC Designer Light 3.1 Free Download
"BSC Designer is a freeware utility for management of key performance indicators (KPI)"

Quick Download BSC Designer Light 3.1

The BSC Designer Light provides basic functionality for KPI management. This software is a great alternative to the manual design of scorecards. Any time the Light version can be upgraded to Standard or Professional.

BSC Designer Light provides functions necessary to create and manage indicators, calculate indicators' performance using their values and relative weights.

Basic management functions provided in BSC Designer are:

* Managing categories and indicators
* Editing details of categories and indicators
* Time points, e.g. ability to specify different values for indicators for different time points
* Score and weight management
* Performance formulas management. In light version only tw pre-defined performance formulas are available.
* Stop lights

When should user of BSC Designer Light consider upgrading to more feature-rich versions:

* If reporting functions are needed. Standard and PRO versions supports rich reporting options, including HTML and Excel reporting;
* If customized performance formulas are needed. PRO version provides ability to create any type of performance formulas, not just linear;
* When visual representation of strategy tree, e.g. strategy maps are needed;
* Pro and Standard versions allows to access data from different data sources. For instance,
* PRO version supports SQL indicators to access data from ERP systems;
* Different types of diagrams are supported, including radar chart and time chart;

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BSC Designer Light
File Size:2026 KB
Last updated:2009-11-03
License:Freeware   $0.00
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