Discover the Magic of Digital PhotographyZoner Photo Studio complements your photo workflow perfectly.Why waste time using multiple programs and ineffective techniquesto edit and organize your photos? Zoner Photo Studio makesediting, defect correcti
Avids new patent pending MetaSync technology allows users to synchronizevirtually any kind of metadata with video and audio content during thepostproduction process. The MetaSync feature is now standard withinWindows based versions of Avid Symphony
Neueste TeleAtlas Navigation CD fuer Ihr Blaupunkt DXAutonavigationssystem.100 Detailstrassennetz fuer Deutschland erhaeltlich.Ausserdem detailliertes Strassennetz fuer die SchweizerGrenzstadt Basel und die Region Schaffhausen mitgeliefert.Tuer zu T
DVDxDV Pro is geared towards the video professional and features batch conversionso that multiple video can be performed at once. It is ideal for working with widescreenanamorphic video because it can automatically correct for different pixel aspect
The Geoscape3d product line is a suite of products designed to createrealistic virtual terrains with output aimed specifically for use incomputer game and simulation development. No longer edit your terrains ina multitude of different applications,