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"Flippagemaker Doc to Flash converter is completely free to convert Doc to SWF slide video"

Quick Download FlipPageMaker Doc to Flash (SWF) 1.0.0

Flippagemaker Doc to Flash converter is the easiest doc to swf video converter. Own it, you can play and watch your word file with a flash player. It can help you convert your files as doc files in batches. The output quality is super excellent and the speed is super fast. It can preserve original layout, text, images etc of your doc file.

Convert your RTF/Text to the Adobe Flash format (SWF) with this free online document converter. You will get an SWF file with slides. The easy-to-use and professional converter tool allows you to simultaneously convert massive Doc files to Swf file format while preserving the original layout, image graphics and formatting to save time. Convert Document to Swf can be very useful when you have to embed Pdf files in web pages for online viewing or you want to read Pdf files on a computer that has no Acrobat Reader. It owns simple conversion function but can convert with high output quality and at very fast speed.

FlippageMaker has a clear interface with a few buttons. However, it provides advanced features as following.

- Easy to use;
- Support to convert Doc file like RTF and Text to flash video (.swf);
- Simultaneously convert massive doc to swf video once to save your time;
- Convert one multi-page Word to one Swf without losing any content, layout etc;
- Support batch conversion mode, hot folders mode, and command line mode;
- Allow you to choose the path to save the output folder;
- Support to automatically open the output folder after the conversion task;
- Provide you with high-quality output files at super fast speed;- Show Log information during conversion.

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FlipPageMaker Doc to Flash (SWF)
File Size:3286 KB
Last updated:2012-12-21
License:Freeware   $0
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