This Stock Equity Valuation Calculator and Spreadsheet uses the Dividend Discount Model (DDM) for valuing the price of a stock for a company which pays out dividends.
The Time Value of Money and Discounted Cash Flow Analysis are two cornerstone concepts of investment and financial analysis. This free investment and financial calculator uses these two concepts to develop financial models for analyzing investments.
Linear programming environment to solve constrained optimization problems arising in various industrial, financial and educational areas. Optimization problems are stated as linear programs that size can reach up to 500 thousand decision variables.
This is a powerful and easy-to-use PC clock synchronizer working with time servers via the Internet. It can update PC clock at certain time intervals, supports proxy servers, autodialing, works as a local time server and can be launched as a service.
VentaFax is a powerful fax/voice messaging software for Windows 9x/ME/NT4.x/2000 and XP boasting features and reliability available only in high-end products, but cheaper and less greedy to the system resources.
A name and address database for home/office use. Features email and web browser launch, phone dialing, web page generation. Keyword system, many search features. Imports and exports .txt, .csv, and native format. Full install/uninstall support.