If you like watching webcams you absolutely need Akutus.
From a list of more than 200 webcams you will be able to watch them directly on your desktop without any browser or other program. Akutus will also offer you to save the images!
Alto Block All removes all advertisements - either text or images - while you are surfing. It not only hides the annoying and offensive content from your sight but also prevents downloading undesired junk kilobytes to your machine.
Catfood FTP (CFTP) is a rich command-line FTP tool that is well suited to updating web sites.
CFTP supports transferring entire directory structures while automatically determining whether each file should be transferred in text or binary mode.
The new and ultimate web meta searcher on the net !
It's an application witch make posiible any search on internet using the sherlock compatible plugins.
KaZaA Lite Resurrection is a peer to peer file sharing program that enables users to search for, download and play, unlimited free files like: mp3, movies, games, software programs and more.
Now you can privately surf to ANY type of website you want with Stealth Browser Pro, a FREE password protected privacy browser. Your history file, cache, index.dat and permanent cookies are not written to. It is even password protected!
Capture One handles RAW files from DSLR cameras which allows the photographer to adjust the exposure, white point, color balance in a fast way and improves the quality. Capture One supports Canon, Nikon, Fuji, Olympus, Pentax and Konica-Minolta.